Breaking the Cycle

Why We Do It: OA Success Stories (Vol. 16)


Some verses that constantly come to our minds when we evaluate the work that we do, are found in Galatians Chapter 6. They say,

“God will never be mocked! For what you plant will always be the very thing you harvest. The harvest you reap reveals the seed that you planted. If you plant the corrupt seeds of self-life into this natural realm, you can expect a harvest of corruption. If you plant the good seeds of Spirit-life you will reap beautiful fruits that grow from the everlasting life of the Spirit.

And don’t allow yourselves to be weary in planting good seeds, for the season of reaping the wonderful harvest you’ve planted is coming!”

Galatians 6: 7-9

In other words, we harvest what we plant.

We have not been without our challenges our tough times as an organization – but when we take the time to reflect on “Why we do it”, and “Who we do it for”, it re-energizes our efforts to “not grow weary” in planting (and nurturing) those “good seeds.”

And we ARE seeing fruit.

Today’s “Why We Do It” story is about just that. It is the collective story of some of our primary-aged school children who received a special honor due to “not growing weary” in the good set before them.

This story is not just their triumph, alone.

It belongs to our Staff as well, without whom these good seeds would not receive the constant nurture and care needed to continue to grow and produce this good fruit.

This is the story of 10 High Achievers from Out of the Ashes, Inc.

“Hello, Dear Stacy,

I hope this email finds you well.

Attached herewith please find the OA December 2021 Narrative Report.
10 high achiever students were taken and taken to Unity Park and Entoto Park to learn the history of Ethiopia. This was done as a reward for their accomplishments and to motivate them for continued success and to continue to spur them on to be role models for their fellow students.

It was so stirring to hear such a story and it encourages OA Staff to keep changing the lives of many through education. I have attached photos of their field trip for you to enjoy. 

As I mentioned in my previous email, I was also impressed with the report while putting it together. Now the OA Ethiopia office is becoming a truly child-focused organization. I am blessed to have such an amazing staff who did the job. We are becoming a more child-friendly organization and we will keep that expanding and growing.

We would like to see the OA offices & compound be filled with children who come together and enjoy playing, eating, learning, discussing, and identifying their God-given talents or gifts such as music, art, theater, circus, poem, sports, etc.

We want to see OA Korah children enjoy and experience life in all its fullness.

We thank Jesus for giving us these children. We worship you, Jesus, through serving these beautiful children with great care and love. Amen!    

 With Regards 

You can view photos of the field trip honoring our students below.

Praise God for our Staff, our students, and for perseverance as we pursue sewing good seeds and awaiting the harvest.


Praise From People

Who Work With Us

Education Breeds Confidence

Confidence breeds Hope.
Hope breeds Peace.

It is impossible to imagine all of the differences your sponsorship will make in a child’s life.

Education Breeds Confidence

Confidence breeds Hope.
Hope breeds Peace.

It is impossible to imagine all of the differences your sponsorship will make in a child’s life.


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(417) 352-2744.

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Out of the Ashes, Inc.
PO Box 1928
Lebanon, MO 65536