About Sponsorship

It is impossible to imagine all of the differences your sponsorship will make in a child’s life. Without sponsors, there are many barriers to attaining a life worth living. With sponsors, there are golden opportunities for full and fruitful growth.
To assure each child has what he or she needs to permanently break the cycle of extreme poverty, OA’s comprehensive program provides:
- Tuition – Children are enrolled in fully accredited Ethiopian boarding schools, local schools, technical schools, colleges, and private schools. Placements are made based on the student’s age, needs, readiness, goals, and aptitude.
- Housing – Boarding school children reside in school dormitories year-round. The other children live with their families. During summers and other school breaks, students who do not have a family to return to will stay in a Korah shelter.
- Nutritious Food – Children cannot learn well when they are hungry. All OA students are provided with meals daily during the school year and participate in a daily feeding program in the summer.
- Clothing – In Ethiopia, a child is not permitted to attend school without the required uniforms. This is often a barrier to education for a child from Korah. Each OA student receives all of the necessary school uniforms and shoes for school attendance and essential clothing for non-school days.
- School Supplies – Children are provided with necessary school supplies, including a backpack, books, notebooks, pencils, and pens.
- Personal Care & Hygiene Supplies – Other necessary care supplies are provided, such as soap, shampoo, toothbrushes, toothpaste, pillows, sheets, blankets, laundry soap, and sanitary supplies.
- Medical Care – Children are often medically fragile after living in the dump. OA works to return each child to a state of good health necessary for success in the classroom. All children receive wellness checks annually by visiting medical teams. Throughout the rest of the year, medical visits and medications are provided as needed.
- Counseling Services – Many children in the program are un-parented and do not have a role model for educational success. OA social workers play a critical role in guiding our students. Each child has a dedicated social worker to support them to achieve their academic goals.
Out of the Ashes provides these critical services through donors’ generosity to our General Fund and Sponsors’ ongoing support for each student. Sponsors commit to financial support, but they often encourage personal relationships formed with their sponsored children. This direct, lasting relationship between students and sponsors is essential in the program’s overall success.
A basic tenet of the OA sponsor program believes that a positive and supportive relationship between Student and Sponsor provides encouragement and guidance necessary for successful school performance. Therefore we have intentionally kept sponsorship fees low to encourage high levels of sponsor participation.
We have committed to the 220 children in our program and want to make sure that there is no break in education for any reason. Sponsors establish positive, supportive relationships with their sponsored child providing critical encouragement and guidance necessary for school success. This is the OA program’s heart and represents the long-term solution to breaking the cycle of devastating poverty in Korah.
Social workers and staff monitor all children in the Out of the Ashes’ Program. The team supports and oversees their academic progress and facilitates communication between the sponsors and the students. Because of the diverse range of needs within our many children, we aim to assess each child and family and meet their needs accordingly. Therefore our levels of sponsorship vary.
Please see the estimated costs below:
- Private Local School, Boarding School, and TVET/College – $85 per month
- University – $65 per month
- Half Sponsorships – $42.50 per month
Sponsorship amounts can be split or divided. For more information about students available for sponsorship and at what level, please visit the waiting children page or contact [email protected]. We currently have several children who need a sponsor!
** Your sponsorship donation will link you to a student in our program, but it cannot be made as a restricted donation. OA retains the right to exercise full control and discretion over donated funds for the Program.**